Our Services

Line Striping & Traffic Marking

Parking Lot Striping and Pavement Marking is the final touch that adds a tremendous amount of appeal and controls the parking and traffic flow. Straight, crisp, clean lines and stencils are a must. here at Supreme. 

We always make sure to stay up to date on all the ADA & State compliancy codes to ensure proper traffic control.

Click Here to see all the services we offer like Handicap Markings, Post installations, Letter/ Number Markings, etc..

Asphalt Blacktop Sealcoating

Asphalt Sealant is a compound specially formulated to prolong the life of your asphalt. It works by adding a layer of protection on top of the asphalt to help prevent oil and environmental damage.

Before Sealcoating we thoroughly clean the entire pavement surface and in cracks using wire broom to loosen up dried dirt and debris and then high powered blowers to clean off all dirt and debris.

Click Here for more information about our sealcoating process here at Supreme.

Hot Melt Rubberized Crackfilling

Hot Crack Filling may be required in order to fully ensure that the integrity of your asphalt remains in place. Over time, larger cracks will fill with water and expand causing further damage. 

In order to prevent this, the cracks must be filled with a sealant that pushes water away from the cracks. Hot Melt crack filling on average will increase the life of your asphalt by 10- 15 years.

Click Here to learn the benefits & downsides of routing a crack before filling hot rubber sealant.